Thursday, September 12, 2013

Overdoing it at the gym...

I know that many of you do not have this problem, but I have been very interested in this topic lately. On instagram, the fitness community (fitfam) has become a huge fad. The problem is that it is all about looks. The concern should be overall health and not how ripped you look in the mirror. I have been guilty of over training at the gym.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Can a mother of 4 be Fit?

Can a mother of 4 be fit? The answer is yes! The first photo was taken in early 2009. I had no desire to workout. I ate anything I wanted. My mom lived with me, helped with meals and sometimes nannied. So needless to say, she is southern (bless her heart) and most everything was drenched in oil, butter and bacon y'all!!! Finally in April 2010, I decided to start working out. I used to go after I put my kids down for bed at night. IT was my first time ever even owning a gym membership! Boy, did I have a lot to learn!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The goal is to be fit not skinny. Anyone can starve themselves and be slender. Do you feel your best when you don't eat? The answer is no! Learn to control calories and work out! I have been so busy with school, family and my own gym time that I have neglected to post in my blog! I am currently working on a health behavior modification paper for my Health Psychology class. Can you think of something that you need to change in your life? Observe a behavior for three days that you know you should get rid of. Implement a seven day plan to remove or improve upon this behavior! Post results below! Stay tuned for what I did to improve my health!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Baby Steps

I have not had much time to blog lately... Midterms! But I wanted to post this photo that I created using a quote by Mark Twain taken from my Health Psychology book! Enjoy! And remember, baby steps... A little bit at a time!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


One of my favorite muscle groups to train are my abs. I was very fortunate to have had four children, not need a c-section and not get a single stretch mark on my tummy!! Genetics and cocoa butter are my secret. Like I said before, I didn't start working out til 2010 when my youngest was 2.
Ok back to abs,  I try to train my abs at least 2-3 times a week. Every other day is best (give at least 48 hours in between).

Here are a few of my favorite ab exercises that I do (I switch it up a lot, but I usually do at least 3-4 per session, the eagle crunches are just an addition that I do in the am and pm):

Monday, February 4, 2013

One of the most effective Crunches you can do....

SO I have hardly anytime to post this right now...(I'm supposed to be studying for my Biology of cancer midterm!) I just want to share one of the most EFFECTIVE ab exercises that I have found... it is AWESOME! One of my favorite yoga instructors taught me this! Literally if I am running out the door and need a quick ab boost, so to speak, I do at least 20 of these per side....


Thursday, January 31, 2013

If you wanna get lean, you need Protein!

PROTEIN!!! I wanted to share a simple smoothie that I made after my workout yesterday. For my smoothie, I used a vegan protein powder packet (pre measured) from Amazing Grass (I love their superfood energy bars too), a handful of strawberries, blueberries and some unsweetened flax milk. It was my first time having flax milk and I was pleased. I usually drink almond milk. I mixed all of the ingredients in a blender with ice. ( I eyeball everything, rarely do I measure.) But I would say I used at least 8-12 oz of the flax milk.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


As many of you may know my son was diagnosed with autism just before he turned 3. He is now 11. He inspires me to learn about exercise and nutrition and its benefits for the autistic mind. I have become an expert on autism! It affects 1 in 88 kids now. I'm so proud of how far he has come. He has become quite the artist these days...

A simple healthy recipe with shrimp...

Eating clean isn't hard... This recipe is so easy and tastes delicious! I made this for lunch today for me... I ate most of it in one sitting. :-)

"Shrimp stir fry with brown rice"

√ 1-1.5 lbs shrimp peeled
√ Extra virgin olive oil
(Or organic spray canola or olive oil)
√ Fresh Snow peas (a handful or two)
√ 1 lb. Asparagus
√ 6-8 oz. fresh Mushrooms of your choice
√ 1-2 stalks of Kale
√ A dash of Garlic powder
√ A dash of fresh cracked pepper

√ 1 cup of brown rice

You will also need a small pot for the rice, a lid, a pan for the stir fry, a knife and maybe a cutting board. Oh and a brain and fingers to utilize the knife and peel the shrimp. (jk smile) (I use as minimal of equipment as possible.)

First of all, I started my brown rice because unless you get instant,

A work in progress...

Bear with me as I continue to improve the look and user friendliness of my blog... In the meantime, ROLL TIDE and GO NINERS!

Clean Eating

I'm sure you have heard the term "clean eating" a million times. The picture above is best described as: before clean eating and exercise, during exercise and after clean eating and more exercise. This is me at three stages of my life. The first pic was me before I started working out and caring what I put into my body. Right after that pic was taken, I began my journey to a healthy lifestyle.

Monday, January 28, 2013


     Well, I just got sweaty!!!! I love living where I live because the gym is 2 blocks from me! State of the Art too... one of the perks of being a 33 year old college student is..... it is FREE!!!!!!! Well, not really, but at least I'm not seeing money go out every month like I did when I was a member at my local gym. I have even heard that Kobe Bryant works out at my gym sometimes..

A new beginning!

Well, I have heard this for the past 2.5 years. "You should get into nutrition." I mean I already have been into nutrition, health and exercise so maybe that just meant, "you need to capitalize on your obsession..." ok people I started listening. So here I am, NOW WHAT?!?! Bare (oops I meant bear)