Thursday, September 12, 2013

Overdoing it at the gym...

I know that many of you do not have this problem, but I have been very interested in this topic lately. On instagram, the fitness community (fitfam) has become a huge fad. The problem is that it is all about looks. The concern should be overall health and not how ripped you look in the mirror. I have been guilty of over training at the gym.
I would miss a day or two due to school or family obligations or just plain being burnt out. The next time I went I would stay a minimum of two hours and focus on large muscle groups to get myself, "back in shape". It takes a toll on your body. I would be so exhausted a few hours later that I would be super grouchy and not wanting to do anything except lay around. It didn't stop there... I would wake up the next morning feeling similar to how you would feel with a hangover. It isn't healthy for your body.... I have the tendency to be very TYPE A, all or nothing type of person. About a year ago, I took about 4-5 months off from the gym while I adjusted to my new role as a full-time student. I lost weight and muscle of course. So when I started back in late January/early February I was down about 5 lbs. (which for a small 5'3 frame, is a big deal!) I fluctuate now between 112-115 depending on water weight etc. My biggest goal at this point is to just be fit. With being fit, your body looks defined and you feel healthy. I want to be able to run and perform cardio without feeling wiped out afterwards.... I am getting there again. I experienced a lot of feelings of disinterest in going to the gym recently which indicated that I was probably over-exercising. With a couple of weeks off from school, I hope to improve my endurance and refocus on making my gym time fun! IN conclusion, I would like to say that having a six-pack every single time you look in the mirror is really unattainable unless you are surviving on chicken breast, fish, and broccoli. That's no fun. I understand for competitions people do that often. But in everyday life, balance is key. Proper nutrition and hydration are very important when you are weight training and performing cardio. I think that is where I often make my mistake.

Parting words: keep it moderate, allow time to recover (at least 48 hrs in between training a muscle), eat enough, drink enough..... Make it fun. There is a link at the bottom that gives a few signs to look for if you feel like you are overexercising.

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