Monday, January 28, 2013


     Well, I just got sweaty!!!! I love living where I live because the gym is 2 blocks from me! State of the Art too... one of the perks of being a 33 year old college student is..... it is FREE!!!!!!! Well, not really, but at least I'm not seeing money go out every month like I did when I was a member at my local gym. I have even heard that Kobe Bryant works out at my gym sometimes..

     In the past, I rarely would sweat at the gym unless I did a cardio class. But lately, I have been breaking quite a SWEAT! I think my body is releasing lots of toxins because of all of the bad things I have been putting into my body (e.g. this weekend I attempted cake pops with my kids (epic fail!)!!!) In my defense I had bought them around the holidays and we had never made time to make them, so instead of wasting them I decided to make them because London my little one had been asking... I am not a cake pop maker let me tell you, (maybe some of you can give me tips).. I could even make a gluten free recipe.  I must confess I also got suckered into a Ritter Sport bar from the Korean supermarket... (they had 16 different varieties of Ritter and it is my favorite brand! UGH! Don't eat one! I wasn't trying to promote them, I promise!) Weekends are "treat meal" time. I just went a little overboard this weekend. (I hate saying cheat meal... sounds so immoral) hmmmm Anyway. I am fighting off bronchitis, which I think I have only had one other time in my life. I should have taken it easy today, but I didn't. Here is an excerpt my workout today (I won't list everything that I did) Here's the cardio that I did: I started with 10 minutes on the stairmaster. Then I did my floor work with Bosu ball and exercise ball, abs etc... I then did 10 mins on the stair machine. Finally, after all of my weight training I did 30 minutes on the Precor elliptical... SWEAT CITY!  I was so proud! It is hard for me to stay on a machine that long because I get bored.... precisely why I love cardio classes. But today I used that time to facebook and instagram and of course at the end I took a pic, (incognito so it wasn't that great) SEE! 

 I am posting pics below of my two favorite pieces of exercise equipment. If your gym does not have them, ASK THEM TO GET THEM!!!!

 The Bosu ball and the big round exercise ball, they have played a HUGE role in helping me to strengthen my core and get killer abs!

Bosu ball for squats & triceps pushups
Bosu ball for regular pushups and balancing while doing weights with upper body and squats
Exercise ball
One of my favorite exercises to do is Pushups while Balancing for core strength: legs up on the exercise ball and arms on the flat part of the Bosu ball in a plank position) The pic above obviously not me, but hope this helps. I look hotter... HAHA jk

Stay tuned for more.... Have a great rest of your day! =)

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