Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Clean Eating

I'm sure you have heard the term "clean eating" a million times. The picture above is best described as: before clean eating and exercise, during exercise and after clean eating and more exercise. This is me at three stages of my life. The first pic was me before I started working out and caring what I put into my body. Right after that pic was taken, I began my journey to a healthy lifestyle.
I joined the gym about two days after that pic was taken. The second pic was taken about 3 months after I joined the gym. I wasn't that committed at the time and I only did a little bit of cardio and weights. And the last pic is, of course, me... notice that flat stomach? Can you tell that I had been pregnant for 36 months of my life and given birth four times?
I attribute my fit physique to my desire to be healthy for myself and my children. Your kids will follow your habits including your commitment to healthy eating and exercise. About a month before the pic was taken, I went gluten and casein free due to severe digestion issues. I also had began a strict gym regimen for about 7 months prior to that pic. If I can do it, you can too... I began clean eating in June of 2011. So now are you curious to know what clean eating means? With clean eating, you consume whole foods, which are close to their natural state. Stick with lean protein, fruits, veggies and complex carbs. Lean meats that are organic, grass fed or free range are considered clean. Fish is great for clean eating as long as it isn't deep fried. You can easily grill it with a small bit of extra virgin olive oil or sear it in the pan. Try your best to limit foods that are prepackaged or processed... (Chips, crackers, etc... If u do have a craving, I recommend low sodium, gluten free, nonGMO). Choose fresh fruits and veggies, but if you must get a processed fruit Or veggie choose frozen over canned. Try to eat raw nuts and raw foods as much as possible. Choose brown rice for carbs, as well as sweet potatoes for starch (avoid white russet potatoes) I drink lots of water and my special Herbal teas that aid in digestion and bowel inflammation. That's the bottom line with clean eating. That's what I do and that's what I strive for everyday...

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