Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Can a mother of 4 be Fit?

Can a mother of 4 be fit? The answer is yes! The first photo was taken in early 2009. I had no desire to workout. I ate anything I wanted. My mom lived with me, helped with meals and sometimes nannied. So needless to say, she is southern (bless her heart) and most everything was drenched in oil, butter and bacon y'all!!! Finally in April 2010, I decided to start working out. I used to go after I put my kids down for bed at night. IT was my first time ever even owning a gym membership! Boy, did I have a lot to learn!

The second photo was a year ago in March 2012 when I ran my first (and only so far) 5k for autism at Long Beach State! I have leaned out since then with the final photo taken just yesterday. How did I do it? ABOVE ALL else, committment to a healthy lifestyle. I eat clean ( what is clean eating? see previous blog entry below!) After taking a few months off (from September to March to focus on school.....) I currently started my minimum of 5 days a week training again. How do I train? I do cardio at least 4 days a week. I incorporate High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and also steady rate cardio. I developed my own resistance (weights) training using online research & Muscle + Fitness Hers magazine. I have never used a trainer, (Although I will not ever rule it out!!) I hope to motivate others to get off the couch, put the bag of chips away and adopt a new healthy and fit lifestyle!!!!  I've been committed since June of 2011 to a clean eating lifestyle! I saw the most changes in my physique when I began to eat very healthy and cut out the processed foods. I have been studying cancer for one of my classes this quarter. Every cancer has small link to diet and lifestyle. Genetics also play a role. In addition to feeling better, eating healthy and exercising also decreases your chance for cancer, stroke, heart attack and other chronic diseases. What do you have to lose? Start at 30 mins a day of walking. Second, eliminate a food item that you know you shouldn't be eating... start out slow work your way up to weights and more cardio. You can do it!

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