Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Can a mother of 4 be Fit?

Can a mother of 4 be fit? The answer is yes! The first photo was taken in early 2009. I had no desire to workout. I ate anything I wanted. My mom lived with me, helped with meals and sometimes nannied. So needless to say, she is southern (bless her heart) and most everything was drenched in oil, butter and bacon y'all!!! Finally in April 2010, I decided to start working out. I used to go after I put my kids down for bed at night. IT was my first time ever even owning a gym membership! Boy, did I have a lot to learn!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The goal is to be fit not skinny. Anyone can starve themselves and be slender. Do you feel your best when you don't eat? The answer is no! Learn to control calories and work out! I have been so busy with school, family and my own gym time that I have neglected to post in my blog! I am currently working on a health behavior modification paper for my Health Psychology class. Can you think of something that you need to change in your life? Observe a behavior for three days that you know you should get rid of. Implement a seven day plan to remove or improve upon this behavior! Post results below! Stay tuned for what I did to improve my health!